Area: 1,47,570 sqkm
Population: 165 m
Density: 1,200 / sqkm
Life Expectancy: 73 years / 69 years (World average)
Infant Mortality: 28 per thousand / 34 (World average)
Adult Literacy Rate: 73 % (15-24 years: 92%)
Young Population: 60% of population (90 m)
Total GDP: US$ 250 b (32nd largest economy in PPP terms)
Per Capita Income: US$ 1752 (2017-18)
GDP Growth: 7.3% (Expected 7.6% this year)
Export: US$ 34.6 b (Import: US$ 46 b)
Middle Class: 20% of population (32 m)
Population Below Poverty: 22% (World average 43%) (12% extreme poverty, World average 9.6%)
Urban Population: 30%
Total FDI in 2016: US$ 2.4 b (US$ 250 m from USA)
Inflation: 5.9%
Foreign Currency Reserve: US$ 33 b (Equivalent to 8 months’ import)
Annual Remittance: US$ 15 b
Telephone Penetration: 150m (90%)
Internet Users: 80 m (50%)
Electricity Generation: Capacity 16500 MW (Production 11,000 MW)
Contribution of Industries to GDP: 34%
Investment / GDP Ratio: 31.5% of GDP (Private; 23%)
National Savings: 28 % of GDP
Revenue: 11% of GDP (NBR: 9.26%)
Budget Deficit: 5% of GDP
Electricity Coverage: 85%
Safe Drinking Water: 81% (World Average 70%)
Sanitation: 97% (World average 68%)
Additional facts:
- Bangladesh ranks 7th globally in political empowerment of women.
- Bangladesh is the 4th largest producer of rice.
- Bangladesh is the 5th largest producer of sweet water fish and the 3rd largest producer of vegetable.
- IMF reports that Bangladesh ranks 34th among 74 Emerging Economies regarding inclusive economic growth
(Data might change from time-to-time)